Group Info
Completion Date
22nd June, 2019.
Group Members
Perry Moore, Alex Craig and Jamie.
About Your Team
Hi everyone, Alex, Jamie and I will attempt the three peak challenge on the 22nd of June to help raise money for the charity Alzheimer’s society, which is the biggest in the U.K.
The money won’t just be going towards finding a cure for Alzheimer’s, but also towards caring and supporting friends and family of the patient, as this disease doesn’t just affect the person diagnosed.
Alex, Jamie and I both wanted to raise money for Alzheimer’s for various reasons. Alex’s grandad, Stanley Craig, has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s so it’s very personal for him.
Alex agreed with me that we are scared of the disease. I don’t want to think of a life where I grow old with my girlfriend, family and friends but incapable to remember our life’s, hurting our loved ones in the process.
Jamie’s reason is This is dedicated to my Girlfriends Grandmother Jean Pryde who before Alzheimer’s was smart, funny and wonderful inside and out , she was then taken away from us by this horrible disease to become aggressive, unrecognisable and suffered physically and mentally for over 10 years.
This had an enormous impact within the family which was devastating. Overall Alzheimer’s is one of the worst diseases to witness a loved one go through as they are no longer with us but still living.
Completion Time
Under 24 hours
Charity Information

Alzheimers Society
About the Charity
Alzheimer’s Society is facing dementia head on. Whether you’re a fundraiser, donor, partner, or affected by dementia in any way, they work with you to build a movement. Inspired by your voices, they are leading the way in support, society and research.
As the largest and most influential dementia charity in the UK, they will achieve their vision – a world without dementia.
Charity Website
Charity Fundraising Link
Target Amount
You can submit your own challenge, photographs and charity information to the Think Adventure website for free. It’s a great way to promote your Yorkshire Three Peaks walk.
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