Group Info
Completion Date
8th June, 2019.
Group Members
Sam Clark, Simon Clark, Kirsty Coates, Adam Coates, Oliver Coates, Mell, Clark, Ryan Hillary, Naomi Wright, Darren Whittaker, Heidi Clark, Charlotte Woodhouse, Sarah Martin, Lynne Bonser, Matt Clark, Lauren Unwin, Sarah Woodall, Bill Woodall
About Your Team
We are all friends/family who want to raise money for Motor Neurone Disease Association. Sam & Kirsty are siblings, and their father Chris is currently living with MND.
Completion Time
12 hours
Charity Information

Motor Neurone Disease
About the Charity
The Motor Neurone Disease Association is the only national charity in England, Wales and Northern Ireland focused on improving access to care, research and campaigning for those people living with or affected by MND.
Charity Website
Motor Neurone Disease Association
Charity Fundraising Link
Target Amount
You can submit your own challenge, photographs and charity information to the Think Adventure website for free. It’s a great way to promote your Yorkshire Three Peaks walk.
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