Group Info
Completion Date
6th May, 2018.
Group Members
There are approx. 40 people walking in memory of Chris Wainwright
About Your Team
On 2nd September 2017, our dearest friend, Chris Wainwright died on top of Pen-y-ghent summit. We are walking in memory of this amazing man, and supporting three charities whilst completing this challenge.
The team is complied of Chris’ friends, family and colleagues. There will be about 40 of us on the day.
Completion Time
12 hours
Charity Information

Atlantic Pacific
Yorkshire Air Ambulance
Cave Rescue
About the Charities
The Yorkshire Air Ambulance and Cave Rescue Organisation worked to try and save Chris’ life. We are so grateful for our amazing voluntary rescue services and would appreciate any funds to support them.
The third Charity is Atlantic Pacific International Rescue Boat that Chris was core to establishing and supporting its development. We are raising money to build a rescue boat in Chris’ name and send it to somewhere that hasn’t got a water lifesaving provision.
Any donations to any of our causes are gratefully appreciated.
Charity’s Websites
Charity Fundraising Links
Cave and Mountain Rescue:
Yorkshire Air Ambulance:
Atlantic Pacific:
You can submit your own challenge, photographs and charity information to the Think Adventure website for free. It’s a great way to promote your Yorkshire Three Peaks walk.
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