Group Info
Completion Date
8th September, 2018.
Group Members
Karen Waters-Hewitt, Sue Wright, Trish Harris, Daljit Johal, Eve Linnington, Joan Anderson-Salt, Chrissy Wincott, Rebecca Stembridge
About Your Team
Our team works within the Human Resources Department at PDSA in Telford. We are a mixed bunch with age range between early twenties to mid-fifties including one grandma! We have set ourselves this challenge as it is PDSA’s centenary year – 100 years since Maria Dickin founded the charity – and we want to raise funds and spread awareness of the fabulous work that is done across the U.K.
Completion Time
12 hours
Charity Information

About the Charity
PDSA (People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals) is the largest veterinary charity in the UK with 48 Pet Hospitals. They improve pets’ lives through prevention, education and treatment. Every year their dedicated veterinary teams carry out 2.7 million treatments on 470,000 sick and injured pets – all made possible by people who care about animals providing donations through the 120+ charity shops, by fundraising, gifts in wills and charitable donations, as they receive no government funding.
Charity Website
Charity Fundraising Link
Target Amount
You can submit your own challenge, photographs and charity information to the Think Adventure website for free. It’s a great way to promote your Yorkshire Three Peaks walk.
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